Babysitting Kits
Always bring your imagination and sense of humor. Put all materials in a decorated and easy to grab bag: crayons, washable markers, pencils, paper, safety scissors, craft materials. (include any or all of these) First Aid kit (and the knowledge to use it). Words to children’s songs–Five Little Speckled Frogs, The Wheels on the Bus, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes,…
New Era Bowl
We all read the New Era in depth and came prepared to answer questions. We divided up into four teams (we have over 25 girls). You could do however many you needed. We sat as teams across the table from the other team with a buzzer in the middle of the table. (we used the buzzer from the game Taboo.…
Guest Speakers
Here are some ideas for guest speakers: Invite someone from your local FBI field office to come speak about how to protect yourself online. Invite your stake patriarch to come speak about preparing to receive patriarchal blessings. Invite someone from a local school or university to come speak on any topic of interest: art, astronomy, geology, art, local history, etc.…
Book of Mormon Movie Making Mutual Activity
This activity idea was submitted by Kathy Larkin: For the first week activity:Using the video cameras and costumes, separate into groups and plan, write a skit, and make a movie about a Book of Mormon story (this could even take two class activities, one to write the skits and plan for costumes and props, and the next to assemble materials,…
Single Mother Service Project
We have gone to single mom’s house in the ward and read bedtime stories and helped get the children to bed. The girls loved it and so did the mom. (You could even let the girls fix supper, clean house, and do the dishes, too! – Jenny) Source: Geocities YWLDS
Manicure Service
We had one night when we learned how to do manicures and then later we are going to a retirement home to do the nails of the women there. Source: Geocities YWLDS
Moroni’s Promise
These activities were submitted by Whitney: JANUARYYM/YW Joint Activity: Tree of Life / Lehi’s Dream Invitation: “The life & road of Joseph is past and goneSo now the adventure begins as we move on.The church at 7:00 is where you will want to be,This Wednesday night for our “first” joint activity.You will have fun, just come out and seeYou will…
Little Girls’ Night – Get to Know You Activity
We had a really fun activity that the girls loved. We called it “Little Girls Night.” The girls all brought a baby picture, a favorite doll or stuffed animal, and a favorite storybook from her childhood. We guessed who was who from our baby pictures, then oohed and ahhd over them. Then we shared memories from our childhoods, about our…