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Ideas for Service Projects in the Community
Blogger Raegan Payne was fetured in the July 2010 edition of Reader’s Digest in the Make it Matter section in the article titled “5 Ways to Lend a Hand. I was excited about her blog, The Good Muse, where she documented her charitable activities. She set a goal to do 50 charitable things during the year. I’ve posted some of them below as ideas for those of you planning service projects.
- Organized a canned food drive
- Volunteered to serve food at her local mission
- Helped clean up after the Nashville flood
- Wrote a play for a startup theater
- Signed up as a bone marrow donor at http://www.marrow.org/
- Helped out with the Trash for Teaching organization http://www.trashforteaching.org/index.html
- Tips on volunteering for the environment http://www.celsias.com/article/12-ways-volunteer-environment/
- Passed out brochures for Food Forward (http://www.foodforward.org/contact_press.html) an organization that will come out and pick the extra fruit off your trees to give to the needy
- Volunteered at a farm animal sanctuary
Visit The Good Muse: Volunteer Journal to see what other ideas Raegan Payne has.