Camp Related activities for boys and girls.
Once Upon a Time – YW Camp Theme
Based on “We have to keep writing, keep walking, keep serving and accepting new challenges to the end of our own story…” (Gayle M. Clegg, “The Finished Story,” Ensign, May 2004) Each ward selects a fairy tale story as their theme for colors, decorations, etc. Workshop Ideas: “Writing my Story” (The importance of keeping a journal), “Mirror, Mirror, On the…
The MTC Experience Youth Conference Theme
“Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come…” D&C 31:3 During Orientation/Check-in, assign each youth a “companion”. They must attend each workshop with their companion. Each person wears a badge with “Sister†or “Elder†and their last name. During welcome, have everyone repeat D&C 4, inserting “In the (name of ward), (name of stake) 
ER (Eternal Rewards) – Youth Conference Theme
Based on “…he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.” D&C 59:23 Orientation – decorate things like an operating room. Have leaders wear scrubs, stethoscopes, etc. Workshops Ideas: “Life Support” (daily scripture study, seminary attendance, prayer), “Operation: Family†(do your part to build a…
Righteous Round-Up YW Camp Idea
Based on “And then shall the righteous shine forth in the Kingdom of God.” Alma 40:25 Each unit/level decorates area in western or country theme. Also, they can each select a name for their “Company” (Bunkhouse Beauties, Cutey-Pie Corral, Western Warriors, Sagebrush Sweeties, etc.) The Mess Hall is the Chuck Wagon, the main campfire area is Horseshoe Court, meals are…
Choose the Light Camp Theme
Our camp theme was “choose the Light” (like Choose the Right) Each group picked a different kind of light. (stars, sun, night-lights). Our activities and devotionals were based on the theme of living with light in our hearts, and sharing hte light of Christ.
Girls Camp Theme
Have the theme be something like “Daughters of a Heavenly King” and because we are all daughters of a king that means we are all royal princesses. So you can decorate camp with princess things and have the different tents named after the Disney Princesses. Also you can make crowns and just feel all girly. You could have speakers talk…
Girls Camp Secret Sisters
Have a camp mail box made from vinyl shoe holders, the kind that fit over doors (They are quite inexpensive). Label each pocket with a girls name and insert a small note pad and pencil. Each girl has a secret sister that she writes to each day before 4:00 pm. These notes should be something that they admire or look…
Young Womens Camp 2006
Young Womens Camp,theme: “Our Royal Family of Heroes”To help the girls understand they are princess, and they came from a royal family.That they are important to Heavenly Father and to help them to have better role modles to follow, to Return Home with Honor.To also stay strong in their faith and values.The Tents are called Castles(Different Temple pictures are placed…