Pinewood Derby
Mutual ActivityWe have a very small ward with only about 2-4 YW attending mutual, regularly. To encourage attendance, and a fun activity, we thought about inviting the RS sisters. I thought it would also help the YW have a better relationship with the RS sisters, easing the transition when it’s time. We held a Pinewood Derby. The RS sisters thought…
Walk A Day In My Shoes
We had a couple of posters with drawings of shoes and the following written. Shoes are worn for different reasons, every pair has a story. Just like shoes, women are in different seasons of their life, and every woman has a story. Date:Time:Place: You are cordially invited to come to our Enrichment Night and bring a pair of shoes. Any…
International Cuisine Night
We assigned various members of young men and young women a country. (Some of the youth we chose were the ones that had siblings in YM or YW–so two of them could make something together). We asked them to prepare a dish (dessert, appetizer, or main course item,etc.) that is from that country. We gathered information from the Internet about…
Times and Seasons
We had 6 tables set up by birthday months (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Jun/July etc.) We had sisters volunteer to decorate a table and one to make the birhtday cake for that table. People brought fun dishes and things from home to decorate the their table and then we used the birthday cake as the centerpiece. As the sisters arrived they were…
Suprise for the Missionaries at Chirstmas Time!!
Schedule two mutual nights for this activity. On anytime before Chirstmas (in December) and the other close to chirstmas. The first mutual, go to the grocery store giving each class $10 or however much is in your budget. They had that $10 dollars (or however much) to buy food that the missionaries do not normally have to eat. After buying…
The Wizard of Ahhs
This was a short play to help the sisters to understand how important organization in all things in our lives. That we just can’t cover up cluttered or unorganized surroundings with pretty things and feel the spirit in our homes. ======= THE WIZARD OF AHHS Characters: Dorothy, Wicked Witch, Glenda, Wizard, a munchkin. Dorothy comes in holding a teddy bear…
The Decadent Valentine Party
The party is for the RS sisters to just enjoy each other’s company, but we did include a service activity also. The party had two parts. Part one we met at the church. We carpooled over to our local assisted living facility. The enrichment leader had met with the facility’s activity director weeks before and arranged the day, time, etc.…
Music Conducting Lesson
Teach the participants to find the beat of several songs. Teach the participants conducting patterns through the use of visual aids and music playing. After the group has practiced several songs and patterns, hand out the glow sticks and have the participants activate them. Once the sticks are activated, have the music leader stand in front of the room. Turn…