Storytelling Bonfire
Have young women come to the bonfire prepared to tell their favorite story (of any kind). This activity is related to #7 requirement for knowledge value experience. Have a song and a prayer and then take turns telling stories around the fire while roasting marshmellos and having smores! Good, sticky fun while working on personal progress. Close with a song…
Water Olympics
We did this during the summer when time is not as much of an issue and when the weather is HOT. We set-up all of the stations a few hours a head of time. The first station we did was “Shot Put” (balloon basket toss) it consists of two baskets, a string (where to throw from line) and a leader…
Breaking the Chains of Sin
Prepare ahead the 3×5 cards or printed papers cut to whatever size you disire by attaching the chains with the brads to the papers. Read the story I have listed above and have the scripture references ready. I started off (after prayer of course
by asking the family what kinds of sin weigh us down and make us sad.…
Flip Flop Night
Everyone shows up wearing flip flops and we play a couple of games. game #1 This is a matching game with flip flops made out of paper. The girls divide into teams and choose a flip flop to turn over and reveal a person’s name or a situation where integrity was shown. They need to match up the person with…
The Living Christ
Pot Luck DinnerCrossword puzzles and coloring pictures to work on until program begins.Dismiss YM/YW volunteers for nursery for 5 and underString quartet plays a few songs centered on ChristSolo: I Heard Him ComePresentation of The Living Christ by 2 men & 2 women(Divided into four sections using other references to enhance talks lasting @ 10 minutes each)Solo: I Believe in…
Extreme Make Over
We had a woman in the ward who is a beautician come and demonstrate a hair cut. I called all the moms and got permission to cut hair, then at the Activity day, we put all the names of girls who had permission into a bowl and drew a name of a girl to get her hair cut. Then we…
The Amazing KNOWLEDGE Race
Each Mini Van team (6 youth + 1 driver) were given scripture clues to get to the locations for the three tasks and 3 task envelopes that contained the necessary items to complete each task. The tasks were: 1. Do a load of laundry at the Laundry Mat (Each leader was asked to bring a load of towels or blankets…
Are You Ready To Be On Your Own? Budget Activity
YM/YW Combined Mutual LIFE Budget Activity – Tuesday, April 18, 2006ttttttttttttttttttttttttSchedule ttttttttttt6:00 PMtChurch open for Booth set-uptttttttttt7:00 PMtGet Bag of Life, turn in your white elephant gift – Opening Excercisesttttttttttt7:10 PMtBudget Class & Budget Worksheettttttttttt7:35 PMtStart by doing your Jobttttttttttt8:20 PMtAsses Accounts – Announce Winnersttttttttt8:30 PMtClean-up by alltttttttttttttttttttttttAssignmentstttEach Class is responsible for having at least 1 adult run their booth…