Manicure Service
We had one night when we learned how to do manicures and then later we are going to a retirement home to do the nails of the women there. Source: Geocities YWLDS
Moroni’s Promise
These activities were submitted by Whitney: JANUARYYM/YW Joint Activity: Tree of Life / Lehi’s Dream Invitation: “The life & road of Joseph is past and goneSo now the adventure begins as we move on.The church at 7:00 is where you will want to be,This Wednesday night for our “first” joint activity.You will have fun, just come out and seeYou will…
Little Girls’ Night – Get to Know You Activity
We had a really fun activity that the girls loved. We called it “Little Girls Night.” The girls all brought a baby picture, a favorite doll or stuffed animal, and a favorite storybook from her childhood. We guessed who was who from our baby pictures, then oohed and ahhd over them. Then we shared memories from our childhoods, about our…
Journal Jar
President Spencer W. Kimball gave this counsel: “Every person should keep a journal and every person can keep a journal. It should be an enlightening one and should bring great blessings and happiness to the families. If there is anyone here who isn’t doing so, will you repent today and change-change your life?” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1979, p. 117;…
A soiree is a french words meaning social gathering in the evening, usually for the purpose of listening to music. It may however,include poetry reading,prose reading short story reading, joke telling, or sharing an appreciation of a favourite piece of artwork…the focus is cultural. It should be remembered that all cultural input is acceptable as long as gospel standards are…
Appreciating and Supporting Priesthood Leaders
Read portions of “Partakers of the Glories”–President Elaine L. Jack (November ’96 Ensign p. 76). Have a play in…Read portions of “Partakers of the Glories”–President Elaine L. Jack (November ’96 Ensign p. 76). Have a play in which a girl wonders how the priesthood has blessed her life. She then gets to look back on various parts of her life…
Summer Baby Blankets and Decorative Burp Rags” height=”108″ width=”146″ /> Baby Blanket How-To 1. Trim raw edges so they are straight and square to the salvage. 2. Pin bias tape to raw edges of blanket fabric. 3. Be sure to hide the ends of the bias tape by tucking them in the seam. 4. Sew the tape to the blanket fabric using a straight or zig-zag…