Overnight Camping Trips
Overnight Camp, Spring Camp, Fall Camp, Winter Camp, Fathers and Sons Camp, Girls Camp, or Buddy Camp Priesthood PurposesBuild quorum brotherhood by-1. Involving all quorum members in the camp.2. Having a campfire program during the evening. Activate young men of quorum age by-1. Involving all quorum members in the camp.2. Giving specific assignments and special attenÂtion to inactive young men.…
President Hinckley birthday party
We divided the children into 4 different groups. 1st group decorated cupcakes and topped them off with a photocopied mini (1″) picture of the Prophet glued to a toothpick. The 2nd group played pin the tie on the prophet. The third group Listened to stories about the Prophet when he was a child and played old-fashioned party games. The 4th…
Wok and Talk
(This activity is good for new presidencies, units with lots of move-ins or baptisms, transitioning young women, etc. For YW in Excellence add questions that get young women, leaders, and parents talking with young women about thier present and future Personal Progress sucesses, goals, and activities. -Jenny) As guests arrive, they choose a marked chopstick, and sits at the table…
Conference quiz night
The mutual after conference, have a quiz night on what that recent conference was about and what people spoke about. Have a few leaders or other people carefully listen to conference and write questions about the talks given, songs sung, statistics etc… Organize everyone into groups on the night of the activity, and have them each have a piece of…
Prayer Rock
Poem that goes along with this activity: I’m your little prayer rock, Here is what I’ll do; I’ll remind you that Heavenly Father likes to hear from you. It isn’t always easy to remember saying prayers and so…each morning when you make your bed on your pillow I will go. At night if you forget to pray and climb into…
It’s a Baby Shower!
We started out by playing a few baby shower games. The first one we played was a guessing game. The girls had to see how many paperclips they could get out of a bowl of rice as they were blind- folded. The winner got to pick a prize. We then divided the girls up into teams and had an obstacle…
Modest clothes shopping
We took our beehives to a second hand store to look for inexpensive modest clothes. We told them they had to look around and find a complete outfit that was modest. The girl that found a modest outfit and cost the least got a double scoop ice cream after. The rest only got a single scoop. Our beehive had a…
Celebration of Womanhood
The first counselor in our YW Presidency was expecting her first baby, so for an activity the Laurels decided to give her a suprise baby shower. However we didn’t want to play silly games so we decided to use this shower to celebrate womanhood. We selected a young woman, a YW leader who didn’t have children yet, a YW leader…