Quilt Tying for Humanitarian Service
As the Humanitarian Specialist newly called in a new ward with all new leadership, I am determined to have the sisters learn to love the principle of Humanitarian Service. That is what Relief Society is all about. So I have issued a challenge to do 50 quilts this year for Humanitarian Service to be sent to Utah, not for local…
Service (White Elephant) Game – a variation of the Service Auction
About two weeks before our Christmas Dinner we announced we were going to be playing a Service Game similar to the White Elephant Game. We read a list of possible services to donate. Anyone attending could choose to play or just watch. The night of the dinner each sister who choose to play filled in a slip of paper with…
Confidential Christmas Giving Ward Activity
Our ward had several needy families, but we were concerned about how to best provide for them confidentially. If we suggested gifts for ward members to buy, we ran the risk of the families being embarassed or humiliated by wearing or using the items given. They might even receive things that were unusable or inappropriate for their family situation. There…
Envelope Game
What you do is get as many envelopes as you have people there. Have everyone write something people wouldn’t know about you on their envelopes. Give each person a color square to pin on them, all have to be a different color. Then give each person a square of each color that’s been used. Give everyone an envelope turned upside…
M&M Get-To-Know You Game
Pass around a bowl of M&M’s and say they can take as many as they want. But the catch is that they have to tell you something about themselves for every candy they take! ‘Course, you don’t tell them that until everyone has taken their candy. 🙂
A Tribute to Relief Society Presidents – Short form of Emma Smith’s Garden Party
Download the PDF version of this file Narrator: In the early days of the Church, work and sacrifice were the daily fare of Mormon women. Much was asked of them and of one in particular – Emma Smith, the wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Emma was charged by her husband with the creation of an organization, the Female Relief…
Midweek Enrichment Activity Ideas
We were doing several midweek activities in my prior ward. We had a playgroup, a lunch bunch, a book club, a craft club,and sports night. The playgroup was at a park, the lunch bunch was at a sister’s home or a restaurant, and the other two were at sisters’ homes. So there was no need for priesthood. Each club/group had…
Service Auction
The night of the event, hand out the survey as the members arrive. Give them some time to fill out the survey. I have seen several variations of the survey. One is to have questions like “Have you read your scriptures every day this week?” 15 points. “Did you do your visiting teaching this month?” 10 points. There should be…