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Service Auction

The night of the event, hand out the survey as the members arrive. Give them some time to fill out the survey. I have seen several variations of the survey. One is to have questions like “Have you read your scriptures every day this week?” 15 points. “Did you do your visiting teaching this month?” 10 points. There should be enough questions to have the members earn about 200 points. The other option is to have it a “get-to-know-you” survey. Collect info on the sisters in the ward and have the survey questions be about the sisters. Make it as real of an auction as possible with auction paddles and auction item list. Have the auctioneer begin the auction. Assign someone to make note of the winner of each item. Give a receipt to the winner and the person giving the service, so they will know who to contact.

I have also seen this done as a fund-raiser for the YW/YM in conjunction with a spaghetti dinner for a ward activity. The youth are responsible for serving the dinner and collecting the services from the ward members. Instead of a survey and points, real money is used as donations for the Youth go to camp and Youth Conference.

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