Duct Tape Fashions
Directions: Work on a large flat surface. Begin by making “panels.” Cut six strips of duct tape, each measuring 12 inches long. Lay one strip horizontally sticky side up. Lay another alongside it, with 1/2 inch overlapping. Attach the remaining four strips in the same fashion. Cut six more strips and lay them sticky side down on top of and…
Family Feud Mormon Style
We had the youth compete against one another and asked questions like name a general authority. The answers were rated by most popular answer. We had boys against the girls by age groups. The winners were against the bishopric. Since we didn’t have a buzzer we used a towel and a bouncy ball. The towlel so the ball wouldn’t roll…
Lehi’s Journey
We had four groups and divided the children into four groups as they arrived. The first group went into a room where they wrote on the brass plates (tin-foil covered pieces of cardboard). Then they had to go into another room pretending they were Nephi and his brothers and attempt to get the brass plates. Our Bishop was dressed up…
Dressing your best
We had a Home Economics teacher come for a fitting lesson. She talked about the following: – How to properly fit clothes to your body so you look your best (without being immodest) – How if the clothes you wear are too tight they actually make you look ten pounds heavier (what girl wants to look heavier) – Simple alterations…
Mutual Activity ideas
This Idea List is from the New Era: Making the Most of Mutual Idea List: Making the Most of Mutual, New Era, Sept. 2003, 28 Time to plan your next Mutual activity? Mutual can do a lot of good for a lot of people if you know what Mutual is for. Here are some fun activity ideas. Preparing for the…
Young Women in Excellence: The tie that binds
Our theme was The Tie That Binds… The main talk was comparing quilts to our lives… the top squares are made up of differnt pieces of fabric that all come together to from a pattern, the pattern of our lives…..ie. (the good things in our lives…family frineds, talents, character…etc) The thread used to sew the peices compared to the young…
2005 Mutual Activity ideas
I’ve been thinking hard about this….. During her leadership talk “Let the Fire of the Covenant Burn in Your Hearts,” in the Fall 2004 YW Workshop, Sister Tanner gave a list of six points about the Restoration that she would like every young woman to know through her mutual activities: 1. Joseph Smith was the Lord’s insturment in restoring His…
New Era Bowl
We all read the New Era in depth and came prepared to answer questions. We divided up into four teams (we have over 25 girls). You could do however many you needed. We sat as teams across the table from the other team with a buzzer in the middle of the table. (we used the buzzer from the game Taboo.…