Activities,  Youth Activities

2005 Mutual Activity ideas

I’ve been thinking hard about this…..

During her leadership talk “Let the Fire of the Covenant Burn in Your Hearts,” in the Fall 2004 YW Workshop, Sister Tanner gave a list of six points about the Restoration that she would like every young woman to know through her mutual activities:

1. Joseph Smith was the Lord’s insturment in restoring His Church upon the Earth.
2. His first vision and subsequent revelations established basic, fundamental truths.
3. Under inspiration, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon.
4. Priesthood authority and keys were restored to the Earth.
5. Temple ordinances and covenants provide blessings for individuals and families.
6. Each of us can make and keep covenants.

Each of the above topics was discussed in detail in her talk and can provide valuable ideas for planning mutual activities.

Sister Tanner says, “If our young women understand the Restoration and feel a flaming testimony in their hearts for this work, they will have the strength of the early Saints to face all of the challenges of their lives.”

Based on this information, some of the ideas I’m thinking about include:

Joseph Smith–Who was He? Assign each girl (and leader) a part of Joseph Smith’s life to present and teach the class about like his early life and schooling, the translation and publishing of the Book of Mormon, the Kirtland years, the Missouri years, and the Navuoo years and martyrdom.

The First Vision — read the scripture, watch the movie and discuss/bear testimony.

Priesthood keys — for Easter, talk about the events that occurred at that time of year like the organization of the Church on April 6, and the appearance of the prophet Elijah in the Kirtland temple. There are several Ensign articles about this topic and the special significance of these dates with the birth of the Savior and passover.

Temple activity – visit the temple and do baptisms. Maybe just go to the temple grounds (dressed up) and discuss the blessings that come to families worldwide who perform temple ordinances.

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