Geocaching is an adventure game for GPS users. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches (usually a container with something inside, like a notepad for signatures or a treasure). GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Geocaches are listed on internet sites, where members can look them up and use…
- Activities, Relief Society Activities, Service Projects, Singles Activities, Stake Activities, Ward Activities
Service List
New Member/Inactive Welcome – Have the youth make cookies or assemble treat bags to take around to new members of your ward/branch or to inactive members of their class. Park/Neighborhood Cleanup: Contact your city or community tpark commission or recreational directors to find out what locations can use your donated labor. You can also clean out drains or ditches in…
Service List
New Member/Inactive Welcome – Have the youth make cookies or assemble treat bags to take around to new members of your ward/branch or to inactive members of their class. Park/Neighborhood Cleanup: Contact your city or community park commission or recreational directors to find out what locations can use your donated labor. You can also clean out drains or ditches in…
Finding Your Way To The Temple
This will require driving in a car and living very near a temple. You will need one die for each car. Tell the group that each car is going to try to find the temple. Have everyone get in the car and begin driving. Each time you come to an intersection have someone roll the dice to decide which way…
For the mother daughter activity this year we did a version of the amazing race. We called it the Racetoration. All teams were given a airline ticket as an invitation. Then they were given their first clue. Different rooms in the church had answers on the doors. They had to get to the correct room and do the task inside.…
Bigger or Better?
Split the youth up into groups and give each of them a penny and they have to go to members (or nonmembers houses) and take out there penny and ask if they have anything biggger or better to trade them….each of the groups do this for about 45 min. (you try to go to as many houses as you can…..then…
Scripture Sharing
Each person shares their favorite scripture aloud. Everyone there marks that scripture. The person telling their favorite scripture tells why they like it. Discuss each persons choice of scripture and the stories that go along with them.
Outdoor Cooking – Pit, Dutch Oven, Campfire, Reflector Oven, etc.
Outdoor Cooking with a Reflector Oven Priesthood PurposesDevelop talents by learning and demonstrating outdoor cooking skills. Strengthen families by inviting family members to participate in this activity. Activate young men of quorum age by involving them in the activity and giving them specific assignments. Young Women Areas of FocusRecreation and the world of nature-by learning camping skills. Homemaking arts-by practicing…