Missionary Olympics
Divide the participants into teams of reasonably equal age, abilities and Church knowledge. The teams or companionships then work their way round a series of workshops spending 10 mins at each task before moving to the next one. The six workshops we had were: Oops! It Came Off. In this workshop the team was required to sew on a shirt…
Baking Contest
Orginaize a couple of groups and give them pedetermined ingredients without instuctions. Have them try to make something in a half an hour. Warning: the taste testers may suffer!!!
Budget/Cooking Activity
ACTIVITY: The girls were divided into teams, I had 2 teams of three girls each. I explained to them that they were freshman at BYU and each team were roommates. I explained a bit about how family home evening groups are set up at college and that they were just told that their new FHE brothers had invited themselves over…
Family dinner
Young women can learn the value of budgeting, with this activity. Each young woman needs to bring, or be given, at least Five dollars. With this five dollars the group will go to the grocery store, and try to buy a whole meal for the family. It works well to make it a competition. Who can get the most food…
Service Project~for less active members
We made “School Survival Kits” for all of our less active girls (5 out of 6 are less active in our ward) and took them over to them. Included was a welcome letter from me sharing my testimony of the young women’s program and how I feel about working with each of these girls, an invitation to an upcoming “Get-to-know-you-party,”…
Back to School Mutual
I just wanted to share about our activity last night. Our girls started school this week and we wanted to do a Back to School Night. So my counselors and I decided to do mini-classes and change rooms throughout the building. That way our girls would stay a little more focused and listen rather then getting tired of sitting in…
Book of Mormon Movie Making Mutual Activity
This activity idea was submitted by Kathy Larkin: For the first week activity:Using the video cameras and costumes, separate into groups and plan, write a skit, and make a movie about a Book of Mormon story (this could even take two class activities, one to write the skits and plan for costumes and props, and the next to assemble materials,…