Musical Fireside for Northern California Stakes
Zion is an LDS youth choir comprised of 40 youth from the Bay Area, mostly HS juniors and seniors who perform challenging sacred music. Zion is available between now and the end of May 2006 to come to your stake and present this year’s musical fireside “Courage, Battle for Right.” This fireside will focus on the courage of those who…
Christmas Enrichment
We have a Bell Choir come from another local church. We have a sitdown ham dinner with all the fixings. We have sisters sign up to be a hostess of a table. She brings everything for the table. China, silver, glassware, decorations. Each table is so unique and beautiful. The sister who hosts the table also serves, etc. Less clean…
A Branch’s Pioneer Day Activity
We had a wonderful pioneer branch party out here atour ranch. I put old fruit jars on the tables and put wild flowers in them. I put mainly sunflowers in them. My hubby dutch ovened chicken and potatoes….oh it was so good. Texans are known for the BBQ but not many had done dutch oven. We also cooked corn on…
- Activities, Camp, Children's Activities, Singles Activities, Stake Activities, Ward Activities, Youth Activities
Pioneer Games
Pioneer GamesBy Susan DavisFriend, February 1989, page 46 A typical pioneer school had only one room, one teacher, and about twenty-five students in grades one through eight. Not only did boys and girls of different ages study together, they often played together during recess. Shadow Tag On bright, sunny days, shadow tag was a perfect game to play. At the…
Geocaching is an adventure game for GPS users. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches (usually a container with something inside, like a notepad for signatures or a treasure). GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Geocaches are listed on internet sites, where members can look them up and use…
Service List
New Member/Inactive Welcome – Have the youth make cookies or assemble treat bags to take around to new members of your ward/branch or to inactive members of their class. Park/Neighborhood Cleanup: Contact your city or community park commission or recreational directors to find out what locations can use your donated labor. You can also clean out drains or ditches in…
Family Feud Mormon Style
We had the youth compete against one another and asked questions like name a general authority. The answers were rated by most popular answer. We had boys against the girls by age groups. The winners were against the bishopric. Since we didn’t have a buzzer we used a towel and a bouncy ball. The towlel so the ball wouldn’t roll…
A soiree is a french words meaning social gathering in the evening, usually for the purpose of listening to music. It may however,include poetry reading,prose reading short story reading, joke telling, or sharing an appreciation of a favourite piece of artwork…the focus is cultural. It should be remembered that all cultural input is acceptable as long as gospel standards are…