- Activities, Relief Society Activities, Singles Activities, Stake Activities, Ward Activities, Youth Activities
Get to Know You Questions
What did you do on your first date? What is the best book you’ve read lately? Describe what your favorite church song is and why. Describe what your favorite non-church song is and why. Describe your activity in a sport. If the TV is on, I’m watching…. If the refrigerator is open, I’m grabbing a…. A general conference talk I…
Giant Soccer
For a sports activity for our young women, we set up two goals using folding chairs on either end of the flat yard in front of the church. The chairs were about 10 feet apart. Using a large exercise ball (we used 65cm), we played soccer. We played two-touch soccer, where you can only tough the ball two times before…
Glow in the dark volleyball
We purchased glow in the dark bracelets and necklaces for this activity. The youth wore the bracelets to distinguish one person from another. Across the top of the volleyball net we continuously hooked the necklaces together. It took about 20 to go across one net. We purchased the bracelets from illuminationz.com. They were very reasonable. Since we only needed 20…
Mock Date Night
In order to help prepare our laurels for dating, I set up a mock date night for them. I called the bishop of our local singles ward for suggestions of young men who would be appropriate and have a fun time. We aimed to get mostly young men pre-mission, but had to fill in with a couple RMs. I decided…
Road Rage while trying to get to the Temple!
This was a blast when we did it! First, you’re going to need a car! Then, you’ll need a dice that has things written on it such as: turn left, make a “U” turn, ect. OR if you want to do it like we did, put things on it such as: CHINESE FIRE DRILL at next stop sign, or wave…
Human Foosball
The idea of the game is the same as a foosball table. There will be rows of kids, each holding onto their section of pipe. it will be marked for their hands. They cannot let go of their area of the pipe. They also cannot move forward or backward. They can only move from side to side. A ball will…
Dance Dance Revolution
Dance Dance revolution contest. Laurels/Preists Miamaids/Teachers and Beehives/decons are pared. Three TV’s and 6 dance pads would be ideal. Two pads per TV so that beehive could dance at the same time with decon etc. All line up according to groups two at a time dance for a set amount of minutes. Judges are the leaders. Prizes are given, Snickers…
Tithing and Blessings!
I started by reading the Lord’s promise to those who pay their tithing: 3 Nephi 24:10, “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house; and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there…