Mother’s Day Plates
We have used white glass plates for Mother’s Day. They turned out really nice and the Mother’s were so excited to get them. We first made sure that the children had an old tshirt of some sort over their good clothes! Each child had a white glass plate. We used gold foil acrylic paint but you can use any color.…
Egg Drop
I used the Idea for an egg drop, gathered up different items to build a protection around the egg and placed the same items in ten different gallon sized ziploc bags. I divided the girls into teams and gave them time to build sometype of protection around their eggs. Then we dropped them from a tall ladder. To give this…
Parable’s Iron Chef
We divided the mutual into 6 groups: priests, laurels, miamaids, teachers, beehives, deacons. Each group had 45 minutes to decide on a parable or scripture story that they would demonstrate by decorating the cake. Some of the ideas our mutual came up with: Noah’s ark (make an ark out of cake, had fish in the water, made animals out of…
Create a short video on a Gospel Story
This is a combined YM/YW mutual activity that I created, and we participated in last night. We started a little after 7:00 PM and we were done at 8:30 PM. We had about 30 youth, and their leaders from YM and YW. After the usual mutual opening, the entire group was given the purpose of the night’s activity. They were…
Modesty Activity
I specifically chose actresses that are near the age of our girls, role models that they may idolize. I then went on line and found paper dolls with clothing that was not modest. At the meeting we gave the girls the paperdolls that we had collected and after a short lesson on modesty asked them to take the immodest clothing…
Whispers from the Dust- a play -women from the book of mormon
The script and play are a step back in time to hear from the voices of the women in the book of mormon. We often concentrate on the men and forget that women were around. We had a narrator read the script and one by one different women…Lehi’s wife sang and talked about her humerous journey into the wilderness singing….ARE…
Youth camp fundraising idea
For our youth camp fund raiser last year we held a garage sale at a members home during their town wide garage sale. It was very successful. We earned almost $900. Enough to send all of the youth in our ward to camp.
Keep Your Eye on the Goal
We tried this at our Singles ward family home evening. What I did was split up the group into pairs. We then told everyone that we were going to have a staring contest. All participants needed to keep a straight face at all times without laughing, giggling, ect. and you could not CLOSE your eyes or blink at anytime which…