Simple Service / Charity activity
Give each person in your class a quarter. Tell them that they can use the quarter for themselves or place it in the jar where the jar will go to a good cause (food shelter, ophanage, etc.). Then leave the jar in the class for a week, and challenge others to help others and to give to the needy. (This…
Mom Muffin Meeting
I had a mother of one of my young women, who was new to the ward, come to me and express a desire to get to know the other mothers of our young women. So our ward started what we call our Mom Muffin Meeting. In August of every year we hold a meeting on a Saturday morning to get…
The Books of the Book of Mormon Scavenger Hunt
This is a scavenger hunt that leads the participants from one place to another to find the books of the Book of Mormon in order, and have them read one significant scripture from each. We did this with our Young Women, and they were really into it. We came up with this as a way to promote memorizing the books…
Primary sharing time “I am an important part of a family”
1. Who rides in the first car of a train? The conductor. He controls the engine. Who in your family would ride in the first train car? (you could have a spot cut out and have children come and hold poster and stick their face through and pretend to be dad)2. What do dads do for a family that is…
Gospel Relay
We used this activity as part of our “Family Olympics” for an achievement day. At one station, a family member quotes an Article of Faith, at another a different family member sings a Primary song, another drop ten coins in a bank labeled “tithing” from waste high (we used large water jugs), another do 10 jumping jacks, 10 pushups, 10…
Breakfast with the Bishop
We gather the children the first Saturday of the year and have them meet for breakfast at the ward house. We have all the teachers come and meet their new classes (sometiems in PJ’s), so they each sit with their new class (we have done picnic style and tables). Then we have the bishop tell a story, sing a song…
Summer Scripture Splash
Before each activity we briefly discussed the background for the scripture on the poster or explained how it applied to us or the activity. 1. Squirt guns “The light of the righteous rejoiceth: but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out.” Proverbs 13:9 Two to four people race to put out lit candles by squirting the flames with…
missionary activity from premission to the mission field
Pre-mission – focus on exercise, healthy eating, saving money, studying the scriptures etc. Show a piggy bank – saving money. Scriptures – learning the gospel. Shoe =missionaries walk a lot. Serve refreshments here we served apples, carrots and grapes with water to drink. Took about 15 min. We had the children write letters or draw pictures for the missionaries in…