Relief Society Trivia
CATEGORIESScriptures Pertaining to Relief SocietyHymns Significant to Relief SocietyGeneral Relief…CATEGORIESScriptures Pertaining to Relief SocietyHymns Significant to Relief SocietyGeneral Relief Society TriviaName That Smith QUESTIONS A. Scriptures Pertaining to Relief Society 1. Sister Parkin said that sisters do visiting teaching for this reason: “To bear one another’s burdens,…To mourn with those that mourn,…comfort those that stand in need of comfort.” 2.…
Hymn and Hers – YM/YW Combined Activity
Our YW value for the month was knowledge and our “Be” was “Be Smart.” So I came up with an activity that would help the kids learn about the hymnbooks, how to use them, and how to conduct (this also helps the young women with one of their personal progress activities and the young men with their duty to god).…
Getting to Know You
We wanted to get to know the sisters that had moved in better and let them learn about us. We had potato bar. Then had them choose a miniture candy bar of their choice after everyone had chosen their favorite we had everyone that choose the same bar and come up and answer a question (like favorite place to visit)…
Flour Game
Pour the flour into a bowl and compress it. Put a plate over it and carfully flip it over so that when you take off the bowl it leaves a mound of flour in the plate. Put an M&M in the middle. Go around the circle using the knife to make one cut at the flour trying not to cause…
Cat and Mouse
Get a group of people in a cirle. Give the ties to opossite people of the cirle. Designate one the “Cat” and the other “Mouse”. The Cat is trying to catch the Mouse. The person with the cat tie has to tie a simple loose knot around their neck then untie it before passing it to the next person clock…
Survivor Challenge
Invite the youth to sit on the chairs and in front of the chairs (campfire style). Explain that they are now a part of a reality show called the Survivor Challenge. Explain that they will be taken to remote parts of the church to participate in both physical and spiritual challenges. Explain that it will be difficult but that you…
Mormon Jeopardy
Our Mia Maids put on this combined activity. Boys against Girls. First girls then boys pick catagory and decide on how much they will wager. The answers are all out of The Strength For Youth maunal,and the leader told everyone in advance to read it that the questions would be from the manual.They were not told in advance what the…
M&M Get-To-Know You Game
Pass around a bowl of M&M’s and say they can take as many as they want. But the catch is that they have to tell you something about themselves for every candy they take! ‘Course, you don’t tell them that until everyone has taken their candy. 🙂