Pinewood Derby
Mutual ActivityWe have a very small ward with only about 2-4 YW attending mutual, regularly. To encourage attendance, and a fun activity, we thought about inviting the RS sisters. I thought it would also help the YW have a better relationship with the RS sisters, easing the transition when it’s time. We held a Pinewood Derby. The RS sisters thought…
Cinderella’s Ball
Your YW (Our Mia Maid class did this – 16 girls)have been invited to attend Cinderella’s Ball. Alas, there are no modest dresses to be found so the girls must design their own out of newspaper. The girls are divided into teams of three – one model and two designers and given a roll of tape,a pair of sissors and…
Treasures in Heaven
NEW BEGINNINGSTreasures in Heaven How many of you have heard of a Hope Chest? A hope chest is a chest where girlskeep special things they have made or purchased to use in their future marriagesand families. Tonight we are going to talk about filling a very different kindof hope chest. We will not fill it with earthly treasures of silver…
The Language of the Spirit
We had a great combined YM/YW activity last month, and it was such a hit with the youth, I thought I’d pass it along. (This idea came from husband & wife team, Kellie & Brian Dillman of the Woods Cross 2nd Ward, in Woods Cross, UT.) We thought we would plan a surprise activity for all of the youth. We…
ER (Eternal Rewards) – Youth Conference Theme
Based on “…he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come.” D&C 59:23 Orientation – decorate things like an operating room. Have leaders wear scrubs, stethoscopes, etc. Workshops Ideas: “Life Support” (daily scripture study, seminary attendance, prayer), “Operation: Family†(do your part to build a…
End of the Year Seminary Auction
Today we had our end of the year auction and pizza party. We had a blast. It took very little preparation and the students seemed to really enjoy themselves. Here are the few easy steps: 1. Determine Each Student’s Brigham Bucks.I’ve found the simplest way to add up each student’s “money” to spend during the auction is to use the…
Youth Fundraiser Ideas
Youth can only hold one a year in very specific circumstances (ask your Bishop or Branch President), but here are some ideas that sound much better and less financially opressive than service auctions or food auctions: Our ward once did a fancy fundraising dinner with an interesting approach: The bishop announced that it would be “dinner out” and the cost…
Mormon 1-6: Heavenly Views
[samples of student work] Today we began to cover Mormon 1-6. I distributed 30 inch long strips of paper, approximately 5 inches wide (I’d cut these from a blank roll of newsprint paper). I’d drawn lines on each strip to divide it into seven equal sections. The first and last section I’d drawn a big X through the square, so…