Cinderella’s Ball
Your YW (Our Mia Maid class did this – 16 girls)have been invited to attend Cinderella’s Ball. Alas, there are no modest dresses to be found so the girls must design their own out of newspaper. The girls are divided into teams of three – one model and two designers and given a roll of tape,a pair of sissors and 30 minutes. They must design and make a modest prom dress entirely out of newspaper by ‘building’ it upon the model. The dresses had to pass church standards and be beautiful. Wow! Can they be creative. We then had a ‘fashion show’ that we presented to the Laurels, who were on another activity else where int the building. We had some very beautiful dress, some with pleats, ruffles, puffed sleeves etc. This turned out to be a great evening!