The Living Christ
Pot Luck DinnerCrossword puzzles and coloring pictures to work on until program begins.Dismiss YM/YW volunteers for nursery for 5 and underString quartet plays a few songs centered on ChristSolo: I Heard Him ComePresentation of The Living Christ by 2 men & 2 women(Divided into four sections using other references to enhance talks lasting @ 10 minutes each)Solo: I Believe in…
Great Garden Goal – 2006
On the 5th of May, our ward held a Mexican pot-luck. As Ward Preparedness Specialist, I had started seedlings for tomatoes, jalepenos, onions and cliantro. We passed them out at the dinner with the challenge for families to support our Stake President’s call that every member in the stake plant at least one food item in their yard or in…
Garden Challenge
Have each participant select a fruit or vegetable plant in May that they have never grown before. Discuss with everyone how to plant and take care of their selection. Assign each person to record the best practices, and problems they uncover during the growing season. Have them research different uses for thier selection. Have a potluck using their fruit or…
Survivor Challenge
Invite the youth to sit on the chairs and in front of the chairs (campfire style). Explain that they are now a part of a reality show called the Survivor Challenge. Explain that they will be taken to remote parts of the church to participate in both physical and spiritual challenges. Explain that it will be difficult but that you…
Mormon Jeopardy
Our Mia Maids put on this combined activity. Boys against Girls. First girls then boys pick catagory and decide on how much they will wager. The answers are all out of The Strength For Youth maunal,and the leader told everyone in advance to read it that the questions would be from the manual.They were not told in advance what the…
International Night
Understand the different cultures in your ward by asking each sister who was born and raised in a different country to do a presentation and show items from their country that may be of interest to others. Examples they could talk about: difference between the USA and their country, show the money, talk about the traditional clothing of that country…
Pioneer Day Program
Pioneer Day Program 23 July 2005 1. Pioneer (who crossed the plains) Family History story: Sr. Primary child.2. Song: “Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked”3. Pioneer Facts: (read by Sr. Primary children) Pioneer Fact #1Pioneers used to drink from streams. They didn’t have running water like we do. Pioneer Fact #2Pioneers made up games to play as they traveled. Because…
A Tribute to Relief Society Presidents – Short form of Emma Smith’s Garden Party
Download the PDF version of this file Narrator: In the early days of the Church, work and sacrifice were the daily fare of Mormon women. Much was asked of them and of one in particular – Emma Smith, the wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Emma was charged by her husband with the creation of an organization, the Female Relief…