Musical Fireside for Northern California Stakes
Zion is an LDS youth choir comprised of 40 youth from the Bay Area, mostly HS juniors and seniors who perform challenging sacred music. Zion is available between now and the end of May 2006 to come to your stake and present this year’s musical fireside “Courage, Battle for Right.” This fireside will focus on the courage of those who…
Race-storation 2
We had an awesome opening social using the 2005 Mutual theme. We called it the Race-storation. We held this activity outside while the weather was still good but you could certainly modify it for indoor use too. The kids were in teams of 4-6 and all events were timed. Each team was given a time sheet to record their score…
Christmas Enrichment
We have a Bell Choir come from another local church. We have a sitdown ham dinner with all the fixings. We have sisters sign up to be a hostess of a table. She brings everything for the table. China, silver, glassware, decorations. Each table is so unique and beautiful. The sister who hosts the table also serves, etc. Less clean…
Activities for Laurels
The following ideas are compiled from some suggestions on Laurel activities that help girls prepare for adulthood on the…The following ideas are compiled from some suggestions on Laurel activities that help girls prepare for adulthood on the lds-youngwomen Yahoo Group: “We usually do things at one of our homes like making rolls, showing them how to use Quicken to balance…
Cooking Challenge
This idea from the lds-youngwomen Yahoo Group could be used in a variety of situations: 1) Young Women activity (especially Laurel)2) Aaronic Priesthood activity (especially Priest)3) Combined Youth activity4) Relief Society activity for teaching life skills to sisters that need them, or just a brush up your cooking skills class.5) Scout activity6) Family Home Evening Activity Cooking Challenge: 2 teams,…
YW in Excellence : Great and Marvelous Works
Our theme given to us was “Our great and marvelous works.” We are planning on going Old Fashioned, and focusing on the theme of Joseph Smith and the restoration. We plan on taking each girls picture in the same setting as the picture of Joseph with the candle translating the plates. We will voice record each of the girls testimony…
Young Women Missionary Program
Workshop 1 – Role of a Missionary: We had I hope they call me on a mission playing on a CD in the background- here they watched the miss. video and we had our missionaries and ward mission leader talk about a missionary’s role. Workshop 2 – Companionship Study: We had tables set up for each comapnionship with there Book…
Modest are the Hottest
We got brown lunch bags and decorated them with the words, “My Modesty Bage.” We punced two holes at the top and tied ribbon on it. Inside we had a t-shirt with on the front it said MTC- then below it, it read Mormon T-shirt Company (this was located in the right hand corner). We also put candy, and all…