M&M Get-To-Know You Game
Pass around a bowl of M&M’s and say they can take as many as they want. But the catch is that they have to tell you something about themselves for every candy they take! ‘Course, you don’t tell them that until everyone has taken their candy. 🙂
Envelope Game
What you do is get as many envelopes as you have people there. Have everyone write something people wouldn’t know about you on their envelopes. Give each person a color square to pin on them, all have to be a different color. Then give each person a square of each color that’s been used. Give everyone an envelope turned upside…
Pioneer Day Program
Pioneer Day Program 23 July 2005 1. Pioneer (who crossed the plains) Family History story: Sr. Primary child.2. Song: “Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked”3. Pioneer Facts: (read by Sr. Primary children) Pioneer Fact #1Pioneers used to drink from streams. They didn’t have running water like we do. Pioneer Fact #2Pioneers made up games to play as they traveled. Because…
New Beginnings – Now is a great TIME to be a Young Woman
Have a guest speaker talk on why it is such a great time to be a young woman. Assign 7 young women (preferrably the laurels) to give short talks on “now is a great time to be a yw of FAITH” (the next would speak on divine nature, then individual worth, and so on.)Recognize the new girls and give them…
Apple Fest
These activity ideas for a fun activity using apples as the theme are compiled from a post on the lds-youngwomen Yahoo Group: Apple Seed Spitting Contest – see who can project apple seeds the farthest or with the most accuracy Make Caramel Apples – stick a wooden popsicle stick in the core of an unpeeled apple. Melt some caramel and…
Book of Mormon Halloween Activity
One ward for their fall festival is focusing on the Book of Mormon and having people dress up like BofM characters…One ward for their fall festival is focusing on the Book of Mormon and having people dress up like BofM characters instead of the typical Halloween costumes! So fun!!! Here are some activity ideas that could be held at an…
Gospel Feud WITH Survey Results
Instructions: Separate into two teams. Two players, one from each team, face off to answer a question (example: “Name the hour that you get up on Sunday mornings”) to earn the right to control the board. The player who comes up with the most popular answer on the survey has the right to play or pass. The team playing the…
A Tribute to Relief Society Presidents – Short form of Emma Smith’s Garden Party
Download the PDF version of this file Narrator: In the early days of the Church, work and sacrifice were the daily fare of Mormon women. Much was asked of them and of one in particular – Emma Smith, the wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Emma was charged by her husband with the creation of an organization, the Female Relief…