Daddy / Daughter Talent Night
As the leaders, we set up chairs as for a theatre and a couple of tables to set the treats on, then we just sat back and enjoyed the show. We also took pictures of the girls and dads doing their thing. One dad and daughter demonstrated tying flies…they make jewelery from fishing flies and sell them and they actually…
Sharing Time
commandments found in Exodus 20 OPtion 1: Have the pictures in order of the commandments. Hold up each picture in it’s turn and have the children tell you about the picture then relate it them personally and to the commandment. Display the picture and the commandment strip together. (by child holding them, on a board of sorts) Once through all…
Gifts/Tools that Heavenly Father has given us to help us return to him
Before class or sharing time, hand out the “gifts” to each class member or each class (give to teacher), you can increase/decrease the number of boxes to match the number of children). Number each box (1-5). Call out each number and have the corrosponding child/class come up and open up the box infront of the class. Once the box is…
The Living Christ
Pot Luck DinnerCrossword puzzles and coloring pictures to work on until program begins.Dismiss YM/YW volunteers for nursery for 5 and underString quartet plays a few songs centered on ChristSolo: I Heard Him ComePresentation of The Living Christ by 2 men & 2 women(Divided into four sections using other references to enhance talks lasting @ 10 minutes each)Solo: I Believe in…
Relief Soceity Birthday Celebration
We took a digital phographer of every active and some less active sisters in our ward and put their picture in a power point presentation and added music and comments. The purpose was so every woman had a name….we also tied familes together….(ei. Sister Lush, her daughter Sis Sevy and her grandaughter Sis. Christou.)We put some in groups of their…
Extreme Make Over
We had a woman in the ward who is a beautician come and demonstrate a hair cut. I called all the moms and got permission to cut hair, then at the Activity day, we put all the names of girls who had permission into a bowl and drew a name of a girl to get her hair cut. Then we…
End of the Year Seminary Auction
Today we had our end of the year auction and pizza party. We had a blast. It took very little preparation and the students seemed to really enjoy themselves. Here are the few easy steps: 1. Determine Each Student’s Brigham Bucks.I’ve found the simplest way to add up each student’s “money” to spend during the auction is to use the…
Going into the Summer
Howdy! I’m now two days into having sleep, not having to rise during the middle of the night to prep for seminary. It is a refreshing feeling. :0) Teaching seminary is such a blessing and privilege, yet it does require great effort, which somedays can be akin to climbing a mountain side. So it is a blessing to be able…