Service Scavenger Hunt
I looked up items needed for the local food bank. I used the items to make a scavenger hunt list. We split up into groups, and went on a scavenger hunt for the needed items. Items included things like: peanut butter, canned food, cleaning supplies, personal care items, etc. We did this as an activity day project. The girls had…
Canoe river clean-up
Find a section of a local river that is used regularly for canoeing. Dived into one hour sections adn send 3-4 canoes per section to pick up trach along the way. See if local sportsmens clubs or canoe liveries will donate the use of canoes for this (more likely during the week).
Beehive Babysitting Service
During the month of November, the Beehives set up a Beehive Babysitting service as one of their class activities. This allows parents to go out for an evening, get some Christmas shopping done, or for whatever reason. The Beehives plan the whole thing, activities for the kids, even down to coordinating snacks. They have a sign-in board that the parents…
Achievement days
We had the YW come dressed as their Mom’s would have at their age and the Mom’s came dressed like their YW currently dress. The girl’s got to do their Mom’s hair the way that is in style now and the Mom’s did their daughters hair the way that they did their hair when they were their same age. Then…
Achievement (activity) days
We did a service project on Valentines and took around handmade valentines to the widows in our ward, sang them primary songs and gave them a really nice box of chocolates. The women loved it!!
Divine Nature
Write letters to your aunts and uncles saying how much you appreciate them.
Service project
The girls in Activity days washed and disinfected all the toys in the nursery.
Heart Attack
write nice things on your hearts about a certain inactive member (like “we missed you at young womens” or your the sweetest”) and glue your hearts to pop sickle sticks or string and go to their house and tie them to trees or put them in the lawn using the pop sickle sticks, and leave a plate of heart cookies…