Provident Living/Emergency Preparedness
As Provident Living/Emergency Preparedness leader for out ward, it was decided that the RS ladies needed guidance as to the what, whens and whys of food storage, how to rotate it and what to do with it. We set up mini classes once a month, (we may go to every other month next year) and someone picked a subject that…
Market in Zarahemla – YW Activity
We have done this activity in a few wards I have been in, and it has been a success. It can be as big or as small as you make it. Invite members of the ward to donate things they no longer want or need – any “surplus” items. Items are then organized by the youth (Our YW did this)…
Great Garden Goal – 2006
On the 5th of May, our ward held a Mexican pot-luck. As Ward Preparedness Specialist, I had started seedlings for tomatoes, jalepenos, onions and cliantro. We passed them out at the dinner with the challenge for families to support our Stake President’s call that every member in the stake plant at least one food item in their yard or in…
Are You Ready To Be On Your Own? Budget Activity
YM/YW Combined Mutual LIFE Budget Activity – Tuesday, April 18, 2006ttttttttttttttttttttttttSchedule ttttttttttt6:00 PMtChurch open for Booth set-uptttttttttt7:00 PMtGet Bag of Life, turn in your white elephant gift – Opening Excercisesttttttttttt7:10 PMtBudget Class & Budget Worksheettttttttttt7:35 PMtStart by doing your Jobttttttttttt8:20 PMtAsses Accounts – Announce Winnersttttttttt8:30 PMtClean-up by alltttttttttttttttttttttttAssignmentstttEach Class is responsible for having at least 1 adult run their booth…
Smart Shopper
we discovered a family in our ward who could really use a meal. We also realized our YW needed to learn how to stretch the $ when grocery shopping. We gave each YW a certain amount of money to purchase specific items for a lasagne dinner we were going to make. Whoever found the items for the cheapest amount won…
Garden Challenge
Have each participant select a fruit or vegetable plant in May that they have never grown before. Discuss with everyone how to plant and take care of their selection. Assign each person to record the best practices, and problems they uncover during the growing season. Have them research different uses for thier selection. Have a potluck using their fruit or…
Budget/Cooking Activity
ACTIVITY: The girls were divided into teams, I had 2 teams of three girls each. I explained to them that they were freshman at BYU and each team were roommates. I explained a bit about how family home evening groups are set up at college and that they were just told that their new FHE brothers had invited themselves over…
Family dinner
Young women can learn the value of budgeting, with this activity. Each young woman needs to bring, or be given, at least Five dollars. With this five dollars the group will go to the grocery store, and try to buy a whole meal for the family. It works well to make it a competition. Who can get the most food…