Modest Wedding Dresses Activity
Split the girls into teams, two or more in each team. Send them off into seperate rooms, give them as many bin bags etc that they need. Then they dress one person, making flowers etc out of toilet paper and sticking them on. Then see who can make the best wedding dresses — they have to be modest. When they…
Modest are the Hottest
We got brown lunch bags and decorated them with the words, “My Modesty Bage.” We punced two holes at the top and tied ribbon on it. Inside we had a t-shirt with on the front it said MTC- then below it, it read Mormon T-shirt Company (this was located in the right hand corner). We also put candy, and all…
Trading Faces
This is a brief description of a fun personal hygeine activity: Just this past Sunday the Beehives (the one Beehive actually) decided on doing Trading Faces (makeover each other with makeup, and no one can have any input on their own face). Include a short lesson on personal hygeine tying in the importance of modesty in makeup and appearance. Sounds…
Modesty Fashion Show
Drive to a thrift store and divide your girls up into groups. Give them a set amount of time and a set amount of money. (We gave the groups 20 minutes and $15 each from the budget) We told the groups that they needed to find a modest outfit that they would want to wear, keeping track of their money…
Modest Snow Family
Divide the youth or families into groups and make snowman families and dress them in modest snow attire. Spice it up and make the snowmen look like each other.
Newspaper Modesty
Use the newspaper as if it were fabric. Design an outfit that is modest by cuting and taping the newspaper to create clothes or accesories. While creating the outfits, talk about modesty and what is not modest in today’s fashions. Ask what some people do to wear modest clothes when there are none in stores. Once each person has an…
Modesty Fashion Show
I’m not sure where this idea started by they did it in my ward. Fashion Show“Bear” Shoulders – tape cinnamon bears to shoulders….like shoulder pads Bare Midriffs – tie a teddy bear around the midriff Too Tight – wrap in saran wrap Plunging Necklines – Toilet plunger hung around neck Thongs – Flip Flops tied to back side – “Thongs…
Modesty Song
I don’t know where this originated, but our ward did this in RS: Sing to “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” Song:“Reach, rear view, bend and sit; bend and sit; bend and sit. Reach, rear view, bend and sit. Does it really fit?” Actions:Reach (lift both arms above head) – to check for bare midriffs and too short in length Rear…