Mormon Jeopardy
Our Mia Maids put on this combined activity. Boys against Girls. First girls then boys pick catagory and decide on how much they will wager. The answers are all out of The Strength For Youth maunal,and the leader told everyone in advance to read it that the questions would be from the manual.They were not told in advance what the…
New Beginnings Skit “Arise and Shine Forth”
New Beginnings 2006“Arise and Shine forth that thy light may be a standard to the nations.”Skit: Not a member #1Active member #2Doubting member #3Active member #4 #3 Hey are you going to Young women’s tonight? #2 Yea are you? #3 Probably not. I don’t really want to go tonight. Do you remember what the mutual theme is this year? #2:…
Mutual – Olympic Night
Have olympic events like the disc toss(paper plate), or the Javoline throw(straw), and a bubble blowing contest(bubble gum)…be creative. This works great as a joint activity because the girls have a chance to win also(throwing a straw takes no muscle, just a lot of luck).
BOOT or “ARMY” Camp Theme
BOOT – Stands for Build On Our Testimonies Be All you can be in the Army of the Lord. We did cadences, a USO shows (skit night), Basic training, A Battle, we even had mail from home. The stake camp leaders all dressed camos borrowed from the National Guard. We were also able to borrow a lot of things for…
Go for the Gold Camp Theme
Go For The Gold Hi, I just thought I’d pass on an idea of a theme we used. It is a good one to use in Utah with the Olympics coming soon. The theme was “Go For The Gold” with a subtitle of “Faith in Every Footstep”. We did this camp in 1997 when Faith in Every Footstep was the…
Jungle Camp Theme
ON SAFARI, SEARCHING FOR HEAVEN Okay, this really dates me, but there used to be a popular story about a Church Authority (can’t remember who) and during a visit to Africa he was told to never step into any size puddle. When he asked why, the guide took a stick and stuck it into a nearby puddle of water and…
Princess Themed Girls’ Camp
HEAVENLY EVER AFTER (princess theme) – emphasized temple marriage andtemple blessings. Lots of fun ideas with princesses. (even had a Royal Ball) Make signs for the camp such as “In Camp-a-lot You’re Loved-a-lot” – a play on the word “Camelot”. Our Stake is using the Princess Theme for camp this year. Each ward is assigned a different Disney Princess, ours…
Shoot for the Stars Camp Theme
‘Daughter of Light’ – possible scriptures are Matthew 5:16 some others are D&C 103:9. STARS – Stand Together As Righteous Sisters – You can do a million things with this one. Each ward was asked to come up with a name pertaining to stars. Here are the names … The Milky Way, Aurora Borealis, Depledias, The North Star, Pegasus, Mars…