Honey Bee Resort YW Camp Theme
” …[these] are my B’s–be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful.” Gordon B. Hinckley, “A Prophet’s Counsel and Prayer for Youth,” New Era, Jan. 2001 Of course everything at camp is Bees. Wards can choose their own Bee names (Bee-dazzlers, Bee-lievers, Quilting Bees, SWAT team, Bee Stingers ). The camp director is the Bee Keeper,…
IHOP – Important Hour of Progress
As a YW class, or for a Combined YW activity, have an IHOP (Important Hour Of Progress) Night. Serve pancakes and juice. Invite the girls to bring their personal progress books and a project they are working on. Let them eat pancakes and work on their projects while the YW leaders take them aside, one at a time, to evaluate…
Beehive Babysitting Service
During the month of November, the Beehives set up a Beehive Babysitting service as one of their class activities. This allows parents to go out for an evening, get some Christmas shopping done, or for whatever reason. The Beehives plan the whole thing, activities for the kids, even down to coordinating snacks. They have a sign-in board that the parents…
Market in Zarahemla – YW Activity
We have done this activity in a few wards I have been in, and it has been a success. It can be as big or as small as you make it. Invite members of the ward to donate things they no longer want or need – any “surplus” items. Items are then organized by the youth (Our YW did this)…
Candyland: Something Wonderful & Sweet YW Camp Idea
Based on “If we are seeking the Lord and His guidance, if our direction is to return to our Father in Heaven, the sweet moments will come.” Bonnie D. Parkin, Relief Society General President, “Sweet Moments”, Ensign Nov 2005 Each ward or level selects a candy for their unit themes. For example: the Licorice Whips, the Sweetarts, the Peanut Butter…
Angels Among Us YW Camp Theme
Based on “You will become great women if you are united in the angelic cause of doing good and if you hunger and thirst after righteousness.” – President James E Faust Each unit selects a heavenly name (Cloud 9, Heavenly Hut, Angels in the Outfield, Divine Divas, Blissful Beauties, etc.) The mess hall is Hallowed Halls. Meal ideas: Angel Hair…
It’s a Jungle Out There (FSOY) Youth Conference Theme
“…Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations;” D&C 115:5 Workshop Ideas: “You Can’t Pet A Rattlesnake” (Agency & Accountability), “Being Chaste, While Being Chased†(Dating, Sexual Purity, Dress & Appearance), “Standing Firm in the Stampede†(Entertainment & the Media, Music & Dancing), and “The Circle of Life†(Gratitude, Honesty, Family, Obedience) Service Project…
All That Glitters Is Not Gold – YW Camp Theme
Centered on the scripture: “My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold;” Proverbs 8:19 Each ward/level chooses a precious metal or gem (other than gold) as their theme, i.e. The Diamond Divas, The Ruby Reds, etc. Workshop ideas: “A Diamond in the Rough”(discovering and sharing your personal talents), “Lay Up Your Treasures in Heaven” (Choice & Accountability), “Healthy,…