Achievement days
We had the YW come dressed as their Mom’s would have at their age and the Mom’s came dressed like their YW currently dress. The girl’s got to do their Mom’s hair the way that is in style now and the Mom’s did their daughters hair the way that they did their hair when they were their same age. Then…
Grin & Bear It Luncheon
Dress up a Table in this case for a Young Women Personal Progress Value Project Choice & Accountability so the colour is Orange. You have place names but you print the questions that you would be discussing in ref to the Strength of Youth.You prepare the lunch and also the flowers should be orange and white where possible, you can…
Divine Nature
Write letters to your aunts and uncles saying how much you appreciate them.
Young Women in Excellence “Planting Seeds”
I gave each of my young women a clay pot, a bookmark and a letter detailing their assignment for our Young Women in Excellence program. Here is the letter: Dear young women: What kind of seeds have you planted this year? Throughout our year together in Young Women we have been diligently working on our personal progress and “planting seeds”…
Youth Leadership Training
Ward Young Women/Young Men Leadership Training This event is held bi-yearly for the entire YM/YW organizations. The YM/YW leaders rotate chairing the event. •tDetermine what leadership skills you want to emphasize and teach•tBrainstorm a theme•tIncorporate ward members who would/could connect with the youth – well prepared/informative/fun **give them a loose idea of what you are after and then let them…
Egg Drop
Have each team/person build a contraption that holds an egg out of the random objects collected. Drop off of a high place such as a stadium and see whose egg didn’t break. (Make sure you clean up afterwards.)
Storytelling Bonfire
Have young women come to the bonfire prepared to tell their favorite story (of any kind). This activity is related to #7 requirement for knowledge value experience. Have a song and a prayer and then take turns telling stories around the fire while roasting marshmellos and having smores! Good, sticky fun while working on personal progress. Close with a song…
Water Olympics
We did this during the summer when time is not as much of an issue and when the weather is HOT. We set-up all of the stations a few hours a head of time. The first station we did was “Shot Put” (balloon basket toss) it consists of two baskets, a string (where to throw from line) and a leader…