Teddy Bear Picnic YW Camp Theme
Based on “…that every man might bear his part.” Mosiah 29:34 Each unit selects a “beary” fun name for their “den†(Bear Haven, Polar Bears, Berenstein Bear Cave, Gummi Bear Resort, etc.) The camp director is Mama Bear. Everything is “beary†nice and “beary†fun. Devotionals are “A Time to Pawsâ€, etc. Snacks could be things with honey or teddy…
The Mountain of the Lord Youth conference Theme
“Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, … and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” Isaiah 2:3 “Which Way to the Temple?” (kick-off activity)Split everyone into groups. Each group is given 1 dice and a roadmap to the temple. The dice is a homemade with the following written on…
Candyland: Something Wonderful & Sweet YW Camp Idea
Based on “If we are seeking the Lord and His guidance, if our direction is to return to our Father in Heaven, the sweet moments will come.” Bonnie D. Parkin, Relief Society General President, “Sweet Moments”, Ensign Nov 2005 Each ward or level selects a candy for their unit themes. For example: the Licorice Whips, the Sweetarts, the Peanut Butter…
Angels Among Us YW Camp Theme
Based on “You will become great women if you are united in the angelic cause of doing good and if you hunger and thirst after righteousness.” – President James E Faust Each unit selects a heavenly name (Cloud 9, Heavenly Hut, Angels in the Outfield, Divine Divas, Blissful Beauties, etc.) The mess hall is Hallowed Halls. Meal ideas: Angel Hair…
It’s a Jungle Out There (FSOY) Youth Conference Theme
“…Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations;” D&C 115:5 Workshop Ideas: “You Can’t Pet A Rattlesnake” (Agency & Accountability), “Being Chaste, While Being Chased†(Dating, Sexual Purity, Dress & Appearance), “Standing Firm in the Stampede†(Entertainment & the Media, Music & Dancing), and “The Circle of Life†(Gratitude, Honesty, Family, Obedience) Service Project…
How Gossip Effects Your Spirituality
Have five youth act out the skit.Take youth outside (must be done OUTSIDE)place 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke(must be diet)in the parking lot away from cars (about 10 feet) tell the youth that the 2-liter bottle represents their bodies, the soda inside represents theirspirits, and the mentos candy represents gossipand hurtful words. Then tell them they are about towitness what…
CTR Hemp Bracelets
We followed the “Living and Learning the Gospel” suggestion to learn how to sing the hymn “Choose the Right” by playing a game. The game was played similar to musical chairs or hot potato, only the “potato” was a chewy candy wrapped in several layers that had the lines written on them. When the music played, the potato was passed…
Achievement (activity) days
We did a service project on Valentines and took around handmade valentines to the widows in our ward, sang them primary songs and gave them a really nice box of chocolates. The women loved it!!