Fun Girls Camp Skit
This skit is repeated several times using different types of emotion. We did it with the girls using no emotion first, then with them being overly dramatic and serious, then with them laughing the whole time, then valley girl, and then with more “thought” into it.(for this part our girls used a flashlight to shine at themselves when they were…
Missionary Passport
Prospective missionaries go from station to station, about 15 minutes a piece and learn skills they will eventually need on their missionary. From learning to thread and needle and sew on a button, to cooking basic staples, to leading music, and to learning to use the index and study scriptures by topic. This was done as a combined YM activity…
Trust Activity
This activity can be done after a lesson on trust and faith. Basically set up a maze in the cultural hall with chairs, screens, bins etc etc have them come in pairs and one is blindfolded while the other instructs them where to go etc. simple yet a lot of fun to be had 🙂 especially if you put rope…
Modesty Activity
For my last Faith in God night, after teaching how to cover our bodies modestly, I put the children in groups and gave them each a topic such as ‘beach wear’,’ prom dress’ etc and had them design modest outfits from newspaper. they had a great time and thought it was a fun activity 🙂
- Activities, Relief Society Activities, Singles Activities, Stake Activities, Ward Activities, Youth Activities
Get to Know You Questions
What did you do on your first date? What is the best book you’ve read lately? Describe what your favorite church song is and why. Describe what your favorite non-church song is and why. Describe your activity in a sport. If the TV is on, I’m watching…. If the refrigerator is open, I’m grabbing a…. A general conference talk I…
Giant Soccer
For a sports activity for our young women, we set up two goals using folding chairs on either end of the flat yard in front of the church. The chairs were about 10 feet apart. Using a large exercise ball (we used 65cm), we played soccer. We played two-touch soccer, where you can only tough the ball two times before…
The Books of the Book of Mormon Scavenger Hunt
This is a scavenger hunt that leads the participants from one place to another to find the books of the Book of Mormon in order, and have them read one significant scripture from each. We did this with our Young Women, and they were really into it. We came up with this as a way to promote memorizing the books…
Pinewood Derby
Mutual ActivityWe have a very small ward with only about 2-4 YW attending mutual, regularly. To encourage attendance, and a fun activity, we thought about inviting the RS sisters. I thought it would also help the YW have a better relationship with the RS sisters, easing the transition when it’s time. We held a Pinewood Derby. The RS sisters thought…