Service (White Elephant) Game – a variation of the Service Auction
About two weeks before our Christmas Dinner we announced we were going to be playing a Service Game similar to the White Elephant Game. We read a list of possible services to donate. Anyone attending could choose to play or just watch. The night of the dinner each sister who choose to play filled in a slip of paper with…
Survivor Challenge
Invite the youth to sit on the chairs and in front of the chairs (campfire style). Explain that they are now a part of a reality show called the Survivor Challenge. Explain that they will be taken to remote parts of the church to participate in both physical and spiritual challenges. Explain that it will be difficult but that you…
Mormon Jeopardy
Our Mia Maids put on this combined activity. Boys against Girls. First girls then boys pick catagory and decide on how much they will wager. The answers are all out of The Strength For Youth maunal,and the leader told everyone in advance to read it that the questions would be from the manual.They were not told in advance what the…
Mutual – Olympic Night
Have olympic events like the disc toss(paper plate), or the Javoline throw(straw), and a bubble blowing contest(bubble gum)…be creative. This works great as a joint activity because the girls have a chance to win also(throwing a straw takes no muscle, just a lot of luck).
Jungle Camp Theme
ON SAFARI, SEARCHING FOR HEAVEN Okay, this really dates me, but there used to be a popular story about a Church Authority (can’t remember who) and during a visit to Africa he was told to never step into any size puddle. When he asked why, the guide took a stick and stuck it into a nearby puddle of water and…
Ball Toss About
Play music and have them toss the ball to each other.the last person with the ball chooses from the hat. (hat has paper with names of songs)the person readsthe name of the song to them self.and then sings the firstline of thesong.the other people have to guees what song it is.
Ward Thanksgiving Family Home Evening
Start with song and prayer. Games involving the whole ward begin the festivities. A lesson is given on gratitude. After a closing song and prayer the children split off into a room to color turkeys on paper or make a craft. The adults help assemble gift baskets for the needy in the ward. The ward members have brought donations for…
Secret Grandparent
We did this for our quarterly activity. A couple of weeks before the activity you need to check with the grandparents you have chosen to make sure that they will be able to make it to the activity. If they can then ask them for a brief history or info about themselves to read to the children the Sunday before…