International Cuisine Night
We assigned various members of young men and young women a country. (Some of the youth we chose were the ones that had siblings in YM or YW–so two of them could make something together). We asked them to prepare a dish (dessert, appetizer, or main course item,etc.) that is from that country. We gathered information from the Internet about…
St Patricks’s Day Progressive Dinner
Each of the Young Women leaders made something that was green for a progressive dinner. We started at the first leader’s house and had green salad. Then we went to the next leader’s house and ate green Jell-O with green rolls. Then we had green chicken enchiladas at the next leader’s house. Finally, we finished with dessert at the last…
missionary activity from premission to the mission field
Pre-mission – focus on exercise, healthy eating, saving money, studying the scriptures etc. Show a piggy bank – saving money. Scriptures – learning the gospel. Shoe =missionaries walk a lot. Serve refreshments here we served apples, carrots and grapes with water to drink. Took about 15 min. We had the children write letters or draw pictures for the missionaries in…
Youth fundraising activity
We are into our second year of this activity. We sell tickets to a ward family dinner and after dinner we hold an auction. People from our ward have donated most of the items/services. We hold a live auction for these items and a silent auction for the items donated by the kids (in this instance, the girls going to…
Celestial Summer Camp Theme
We choose the theme “Celestial Summer” last year for a ward YW camp. It is more broad in topic, so really anything can go. Song ideas: “You are my Sunshine”, “For the Beauty of the Earth”, “Walk Tall Your a Daughter of God”, “How Great Thou Art”, “Beautiful Zion, Built Above” etc. Hike idea: We did a spiritual hike where…
Parable’s Iron Chef
We divided the mutual into 6 groups: priests, laurels, miamaids, teachers, beehives, deacons. Each group had 45 minutes to decide on a parable or scripture story that they would demonstrate by decorating the cake. Some of the ideas our mutual came up with: Noah’s ark (make an ark out of cake, had fish in the water, made animals out of…
Create a short video on a Gospel Story
This is a combined YM/YW mutual activity that I created, and we participated in last night. We started a little after 7:00 PM and we were done at 8:30 PM. We had about 30 youth, and their leaders from YM and YW. After the usual mutual opening, the entire group was given the purpose of the night’s activity. They were…
Modesty Activity
I specifically chose actresses that are near the age of our girls, role models that they may idolize. I then went on line and found paper dolls with clothing that was not modest. At the meeting we gave the girls the paperdolls that we had collected and after a short lesson on modesty asked them to take the immodest clothing…