Happily Ever After / Once Upon A Time Girls Camp Theme
Jenny Phillips has used her music to come up with several ideas for Girls camp using a princess type theme for Girls Camp. Enjoy! You can download the program here: http://www.jennyphillips.com/wp-freedownloads/IdeasforGirlsCamp2011.pdf I suggest that you sign up for Jenny’s email list here:http://www.jennyphillips.com/free-downloads/ to be sure that you get notifications about her great ideas!
Camelot Night
We began the night by handing out crowns (purchased at a local party store) for each of the youth. After opening exercises and a brief welcome we had dinner.After dinner, we had games. The first was “jousting” with tricycles and water noodles. (We also thought skateboards may have worked) The second was “pumpkin chucking”. We purchased small pumpkins (several to…
Once Upon a Time – YW Camp Theme
Based on “We have to keep writing, keep walking, keep serving and accepting new challenges to the end of our own story…” (Gayle M. Clegg, “The Finished Story,” Ensign, May 2004) Each ward selects a fairy tale story as their theme for colors, decorations, etc. Workshop Ideas: “Writing my Story” (The importance of keeping a journal), “Mirror, Mirror, On the…
Girls Camp Theme
Have the theme be something like “Daughters of a Heavenly King” and because we are all daughters of a king that means we are all royal princesses. So you can decorate camp with princess things and have the different tents named after the Disney Princesses. Also you can make crowns and just feel all girly. You could have speakers talk…
Princess Themed Girls’ Camp
HEAVENLY EVER AFTER (princess theme) – emphasized temple marriage andtemple blessings. Lots of fun ideas with princesses. (even had a Royal Ball) Make signs for the camp such as “In Camp-a-lot You’re Loved-a-lot” – a play on the word “Camelot”. Our Stake is using the Princess Theme for camp this year. Each ward is assigned a different Disney Princess, ours…