Service Projects
Service project ideas
Open your heart to service – Women’s Shelter Service Project
We chose to learn more about the local battered women’s shelter, how this agency serves those in our commmunity, and how we could better serve others through what we learn from the agency. We researched the agency on their web-site, and learned about what the material needs are of the many families they serve. They had a “wish-list” posted for…
Enrichment Night Service Auction
Sisters fill out coupons when they come to Enrichment Night, each coupon being a service they are willing to give and she signs her name. As they sit down to eat their dinner they fill out a questionnaire, answering questions for points, such as if her visiting teaching is done, if she read her scriptures today, how many buttons on…
- Activities, Relief Society Activities, Service Projects, Singles Activities, Stake Activities, Ward Activities
Service List
New Member/Inactive Welcome – Have the youth make cookies or assemble treat bags to take around to new members of your ward/branch or to inactive members of their class. Park/Neighborhood Cleanup: Contact your city or community tpark commission or recreational directors to find out what locations can use your donated labor. You can also clean out drains or ditches in…
Alzheimer’s Unit and Assisted Living Service Project
A member of our enrichment night committee works at our local assisted care facility and told us that several of the individuals there did not receive visits from family members. When they ask staff members when their family members might visit, the staff has to say they will be coming soon, regardless of circumstance. We called the assisted care facility…
Bigger or Better?
Split the youth up into groups and give each of them a penny and they have to go to members (or nonmembers houses) and take out there penny and ask if they have anything biggger or better to trade them….each of the groups do this for about 45 min. (you try to go to as many houses as you can…..then…
Celebration of Womanhood
The first counselor in our YW Presidency was expecting her first baby, so for an activity the Laurels decided to give her a suprise baby shower. However we didn’t want to play silly games so we decided to use this shower to celebrate womanhood. We selected a young woman, a YW leader who didn’t have children yet, a YW leader…
Help the Iraq Toy Bombers
A group of soldiers in Iraq is collecting toys for Iraqi children–they drop they toys over Iraqi cities and neighborhoods, calling themselves the Toy Bombers. (This project was started by an LDS pilot.) Read about the Toy Bombers at
Single Mother Service Project
We have gone to single mom’s house in the ward and read bedtime stories and helped get the children to bed. The girls loved it and so did the mom. (You could even let the girls fix supper, clean house, and do the dishes, too! – Jenny) Source: Geocities YWLDS