Sleep on Faith
Get pillow cases and cut out fabric that says “faith” or “Pray” or any thing else you want. Decorate as desired.
S.A.W (speech and acting workshop)
This activity will help the youth gain confidence in leadership and at the same they can develop their talents. Youth leaders should invite two resource persons, one for acting and another for speech.
Book of Mormon Olympics – Quarterly Activity
Activities: 1. Samuel the Lamanite: skittles placed on a wall (we used the steps from the stage), how many can you knock down with three throws? 2. Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s: a small sandpit with little pick-up-sticks swords buried, how many can you find in one minute? 3. Lehi’s Journey: blowing a ball with a straw from one point to another (like travelling…
Get to Know You/Unity Game
Players go around the room asking questions to determine who each statement was made about. When they find the right person, they have that person sign their name beside the item. This really got people in all different groups talking and laughing. Example:1) I got seasick on a cruise. ___________2) My favorite food is steak. ____Jane____3) I think Nephi was…
Get to Know You Musical Chairs Game
The extra person stands in the middle and says, “i have been on an airplane” or something like that. Anyone that has done that same thing has to change places and must move more than one spot away from where they are standing. The person in the middle moves also. Whoever does not have a spot at the end goes…
International Night
Understand the different cultures in your ward by asking each sister who was born and raised in a different country to do a presentation and show items from their country that may be of interest to others. Examples they could talk about: difference between the USA and their country, show the money, talk about the traditional clothing of that country…
Sweet is the Work Standards Night
The night was centered on service. The theme was “Sweet is the Work.” We used the game Candyland as our backdrop. Using foam board, we painted the characters from the game and then placed them around the room. We made lights that looked like a string of candy and hung them up. On every chair we placed a paper we…
Pioneer Day Program
Pioneer Day Program 23 July 2005 1. Pioneer (who crossed the plains) Family History story: Sr. Primary child.2. Song: “Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked”3. Pioneer Facts: (read by Sr. Primary children) Pioneer Fact #1Pioneers used to drink from streams. They didn’t have running water like we do. Pioneer Fact #2Pioneers made up games to play as they traveled. Because…