Moroni 7 – Charity suffereth long…
Today the youth finished off their presentations/Spiritual Finals on Moroni 7. Once they shared their thoughts on their assigned sections, I led them through a step-by-step analysis of Moroni 7:45. We listed on the board each of the essential parts to charity, as mentioned in verse 45. And if a definition in the scripture was mentioned in a “negative” term,…
Great Garden Goal – 2006
On the 5th of May, our ward held a Mexican pot-luck. As Ward Preparedness Specialist, I had started seedlings for tomatoes, jalepenos, onions and cliantro. We passed them out at the dinner with the challenge for families to support our Stake President’s call that every member in the stake plant at least one food item in their yard or in…
Scripture Mastery – a Historical Perspective
Unfortunately, today is our last day of seminary for this week. We do not have seminary tomorrow since there is no school. So since Scripture Mastery Day is being held at the Stake on Saturday, we had a “Friday” day today, playing scripture mastery games. There are a lot of things which went “right” this year, working with these…
Moroni 7 “Spiritual Finals” cont.
Today the youth presented the first two parts of their research for their Spiritual Finals into Moroni 7. The spirit was strong and I even learned from their perspectives. What a blessing and privilege to be a seminary teacher and to work with the Lord’s future leaders. The sacrifices are truly worth it.Free resources for the LDS seminary teacher.
Moroni 7 – “Spiritual” Finals
[example of students’ score sheets for Five in a Row] Today, after opening exercises of devotional, etc., we played one round of our scripture mastery game Five in a Row to review for our scripture mastery day. ATTENTION GETTER:Then we moved on to the research topic for the day – the powerful spiritual content within Moroni 7. I had “Finals”…
Moroni 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 – Your Perspective, Please
[example of student’s class journal] Today we covered Moroni 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 (with a little bit from Ether 15). To start off today, I asked the students to think of one of the loneliest times they have ever experienced. I distributed their class journals and asked them to journal about that for just a moment, listing…
Youth Fundraiser Ideas
Youth can only hold one a year in very specific circumstances (ask your Bishop or Branch President), but here are some ideas that sound much better and less financially opressive than service auctions or food auctions: Our ward once did a fancy fundraising dinner with an interesting approach: The bishop announced that it would be “dinner out” and the cost…
Are You Ready To Be On Your Own? Budget Activity
YM/YW Combined Mutual LIFE Budget Activity – Tuesday, April 18, 2006ttttttttttttttttttttttttSchedule ttttttttttt6:00 PMtChurch open for Booth set-uptttttttttt7:00 PMtGet Bag of Life, turn in your white elephant gift – Opening Excercisesttttttttttt7:10 PMtBudget Class & Budget Worksheettttttttttt7:35 PMtStart by doing your Jobttttttttttt8:20 PMtAsses Accounts – Announce Winnersttttttttt8:30 PMtClean-up by alltttttttttttttttttttttttAssignmentstttEach Class is responsible for having at least 1 adult run their booth…