Lehi’s Journey
We had four groups and divided the children into four groups as they arrived. The first group went into a room where they wrote on the brass plates (tin-foil covered pieces of cardboard). Then they had to go into another room pretending they were Nephi and his brothers and attempt to get the brass plates. Our Bishop was dressed up…
Meet Your Teacher–Primary New Years Party
Invite each of the primary children to a breakfast or lunch to meet their new teacher. Have their new teachers deliver colorful party invitations to their children individually. Design a poster using bright paper, clip art, glitter, etc. announcing the activity. On the morning of the breakfast/lunch, set up round tables, one for each class and two long tables to…
Appreciating and Supporting Priesthood Leaders
Read portions of “Partakers of the Glories”–President Elaine L. Jack (November ’96 Ensign p. 76). Have a play in…Read portions of “Partakers of the Glories”–President Elaine L. Jack (November ’96 Ensign p. 76). Have a play in which a girl wonders how the priesthood has blessed her life. She then gets to look back on various parts of her life…
Primary Meet Your Teacher Pajama Breakfast
We did this at the beginning of the year. Kids, parents and teachers came to breakfast in PJ’s. We introduced the year program. This year Dora the Explorer was exploring the Book of Mormon as well. Had handouts to the parents, of their responsibilities. Kids saw their Primary room. Bishop gave a talk in his PJ’s, and it was a…
Bicycle Rodeo
Host a bicycle safety clinic for the children in your area. Children bring their bikes and helmets to the Rodeo, and traverse an obstacle course, color pictures, and listen to instructions on bicycle safety. Bicycle Rodeos are usually conducted by local police departments. Here is a website about how to plan tand organize a Bicycle Rodeo, and here’s information on…