Gospel Relay
We used this activity as part of our “Family Olympics” for an achievement day. At one station, a family member quotes an Article of Faith, at another a different family member sings a Primary song, another drop ten coins in a bank labeled “tithing” from waste high (we used large water jugs), another do 10 jumping jacks, 10 pushups, 10…
Human Foosball
The idea of the game is the same as a foosball table. There will be rows of kids, each holding onto their section of pipe. it will be marked for their hands. They cannot let go of their area of the pipe. They also cannot move forward or backward. They can only move from side to side. A ball will…
Dance Dance Revolution
Dance Dance revolution contest. Laurels/Preists Miamaids/Teachers and Beehives/decons are pared. Three TV’s and 6 dance pads would be ideal. Two pads per TV so that beehive could dance at the same time with decon etc. All line up according to groups two at a time dance for a set amount of minutes. Judges are the leaders. Prizes are given, Snickers…
International Cuisine Night
We assigned various members of young men and young women a country. (Some of the youth we chose were the ones that had siblings in YM or YW–so two of them could make something together). We asked them to prepare a dish (dessert, appetizer, or main course item,etc.) that is from that country. We gathered information from the Internet about…
Prophets and Apostles
We begin the lesson by looking up the names of the twelve apostles in the New Testament, then the names of the twelve disciples in 3 Nephi, and last the names of the current twelve and the first presidency. We talk about apostles, then end the class with a game of concentration. Set the flash cards upside down on a…
Book Review
Have everyone get in a circle and have them share the books they brought. They can tell their favorite part, or they can read the book to everyone.
Happy New Year!
We had an interesting activity where we had a game about the year 2006. It was similar to the Jeopardy. We had labels on the wall with different month names and on other sides were written questions about the year 2006. Questions were spiritual and regular, e.g Which famous presidents visited Estonia this year? or Which scriptures were taught in…
Balloon Pop Game
Bring large balloons and blow them up. Tie string to them (about 2 ½ feet long) and then tie the other end around your ankle. Each person playing does this. 1st game: Two people stand in a circle (approximately a 15 foot circle) if you step out of the circle, you are disqualified. Object: to pop each others balloon by…