Relief Society Trivia
CATEGORIESScriptures Pertaining to Relief SocietyHymns Significant to Relief SocietyGeneral Relief…CATEGORIESScriptures Pertaining to Relief SocietyHymns Significant to Relief SocietyGeneral Relief Society TriviaName That Smith QUESTIONS A. Scriptures Pertaining to Relief Society 1. Sister Parkin said that sisters do visiting teaching for this reason: “To bear one another’s burdens,…To mourn with those that mourn,…comfort those that stand in need of comfort.” 2.…
I had a scary experience happen last month when my 18-month-old fainted in my arms and wouldn’t come to. I had to perform rescue breathing on him. I am so grateful for the guidance of the Spirit that helped me remember from high school (10 years ago) the way to do rescue breathing so that I could save his life.…
Clothes Swap
We ask all the girls to go through their closets and bring clothes that they don’t wear any more to mutual. The girls get to go through eachothers clothes and take home what they like. We also have a table set up for letter writing to missionaries from our ward. That way the girls have something to do after going…
Getting to Know You
We wanted to get to know the sisters that had moved in better and let them learn about us. We had potato bar. Then had them choose a miniture candy bar of their choice after everyone had chosen their favorite we had everyone that choose the same bar and come up and answer a question (like favorite place to visit)…
You Can Do It, He Can Help
For Youth Conference, our youth came up with the theme, “You Can Do It, He Can Help,” deriving from the Home Depot motto. Many activities can be planned around this theme. One activity that was effective was each youth were individually given the same directions(go North 20 steps, then South 15 steps, etc.) to follow without a compass and without…
Service (White Elephant) Game – a variation of the Service Auction
About two weeks before our Christmas Dinner we announced we were going to be playing a Service Game similar to the White Elephant Game. We read a list of possible services to donate. Anyone attending could choose to play or just watch. The night of the dinner each sister who choose to play filled in a slip of paper with…
Quilt Tying for Humanitarian Service
As the Humanitarian Specialist newly called in a new ward with all new leadership, I am determined to have the sisters learn to love the principle of Humanitarian Service. That is what Relief Society is all about. So I have issued a challenge to do 50 quilts this year for Humanitarian Service to be sent to Utah, not for local…
Apple pie
We tought our activity day girls how to make an apple pie from scratch, crust and all. They did all the work and took a pie home ready to bake in thier own oven so the whole family was able to share in their labors. They were so proud of themselves and the pies turned out great from what their…