Developing Talents
Activity ideas from Young Women’s Manual 2, Lesson 44, Developing Talents: 1. Plan and organize some workshops. With the approval of your priesthood leader, invite specialists to conduct workshops in areas in which class members wish to expand their knowledge or explore a new skill or trait. You can do this as a class, as small groups, or as individuals.…
Book of Mormon Movie Making Mutual Activity
This activity idea was submitted by Kathy Larkin: For the first week activity:Using the video cameras and costumes, separate into groups and plan, write a skit, and make a movie about a Book of Mormon story (this could even take two class activities, one to write the skits and plan for costumes and props, and the next to assemble materials,…
Moroni’s Promise
These activities were submitted by Whitney: JANUARYYM/YW Joint Activity: Tree of Life / Lehi’s Dream Invitation: “The life & road of Joseph is past and goneSo now the adventure begins as we move on.The church at 7:00 is where you will want to be,This Wednesday night for our “first” joint activity.You will have fun, just come out and seeYou will…
Primary Meet Your Teacher Pajama Breakfast
We did this at the beginning of the year. Kids, parents and teachers came to breakfast in PJ’s. We introduced the year program. This year Dora the Explorer was exploring the Book of Mormon as well. Had handouts to the parents, of their responsibilities. Kids saw their Primary room. Bishop gave a talk in his PJ’s, and it was a…