Getting to Know You
We wanted to get to know the sisters that had moved in better and let them learn about us. We had potato bar. Then had them choose a miniture candy bar of their choice after everyone had chosen their favorite we had everyone that choose the same bar and come up and answer a question (like favorite place to visit)…
Baking Contest
Orginaize a couple of groups and give them pedetermined ingredients without instuctions. Have them try to make something in a half an hour. Warning: the taste testers may suffer!!!
Flour Game
Pour the flour into a bowl and compress it. Put a plate over it and carfully flip it over so that when you take off the bowl it leaves a mound of flour in the plate. Put an M&M in the middle. Go around the circle using the knife to make one cut at the flour trying not to cause…
Cat and Mouse
Get a group of people in a cirle. Give the ties to opossite people of the cirle. Designate one the “Cat” and the other “Mouse”. The Cat is trying to catch the Mouse. The person with the cat tie has to tie a simple loose knot around their neck then untie it before passing it to the next person clock…
Garden Challenge
Have each participant select a fruit or vegetable plant in May that they have never grown before. Discuss with everyone how to plant and take care of their selection. Assign each person to record the best practices, and problems they uncover during the growing season. Have them research different uses for thier selection. Have a potluck using their fruit or…
You Can Do It, He Can Help
For Youth Conference, our youth came up with the theme, “You Can Do It, He Can Help,” deriving from the Home Depot motto. Many activities can be planned around this theme. One activity that was effective was each youth were individually given the same directions(go North 20 steps, then South 15 steps, etc.) to follow without a compass and without…
TENSION! (A 3-hour acting workshop)
Leaders should prepare or find a resource person for acting. The youth should bring extra clothes for acting drills. Leaders should remind the youth for this or else they will suffer the consequence of going home so dirty and messy. This workshop will help the youth of the church develop their inner confidence. Also, they will use it in church…
Quilt Tying for Humanitarian Service
As the Humanitarian Specialist newly called in a new ward with all new leadership, I am determined to have the sisters learn to love the principle of Humanitarian Service. That is what Relief Society is all about. So I have issued a challenge to do 50 quilts this year for Humanitarian Service to be sent to Utah, not for local…