Baking Contest
Orginaize a couple of groups and give them pedetermined ingredients without instuctions. Have them try to make something in a half an hour. Warning: the taste testers may suffer!!!
Budget/Cooking Activity
ACTIVITY: The girls were divided into teams, I had 2 teams of three girls each. I explained to them that they were freshman at BYU and each team were roommates. I explained a bit about how family home evening groups are set up at college and that they were just told that their new FHE brothers had invited themselves over…
Family dinner
Young women can learn the value of budgeting, with this activity. Each young woman needs to bring, or be given, at least Five dollars. With this five dollars the group will go to the grocery store, and try to buy a whole meal for the family. It works well to make it a competition. Who can get the most food…
Young Women Missionary Program
Workshop 1 – Role of a Missionary: We had I hope they call me on a mission playing on a CD in the background- here they watched the miss. video and we had our missionaries and ward mission leader talk about a missionary’s role. Workshop 2 – Companionship Study: We had tables set up for each comapnionship with there Book…