Bucket Game
Everyone stands in a circle (alternate boy/girl if possible). Everyone holds hands. There is a bucket or a large trash can in the center (just short enough to jump over if needed). Everyone can try to pull each other so that someone either touches the trash can (which gets them out) or get two people to let go of their…
Questions Jumble, A FHE Game
Questions Jumble (I have successfully used this game with YSA groups and youth groups. It is fun interactive and requires no preparation. ) Number of Players: 4 or more Required materials: pens or pencils for each player and paper Preparation: None Time required: Short, each round requires about 1 minute per player This is a simple game with some great…
VIDEO: Look Inside an LDS Dry-Pack Cannery
An LDS cannery volunteer answers questions and demonstrates how dry pack canning is done at these facilities:
- Activities, Children's Activities, Relief Society Activities, Service Projects, Singles Activities, Youth Activities
Christmas Service Project for injured members of US Armed Forces
I saw this post on Facebook today, and am sharing it here so you all can see it, too. When doing your Christmas cards, take one and send it to this address: A Recovering American Soldier c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center 6900 Georgia Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20307 USA. I think this would make a great family home evening…
Spudwood Derby Activity
Every year, Memphis singles enjoy their annual Spudwood Derby. After a great baked potato bar, singles are separated into teams that make a “spudwood” derby car out of a raw potato. Using a pinewood derby track, toothpicks, paring knives, and a set of pinewood derby tires, each team races in several heats to get bragging rights for the next year.…
Planning Successful LDS Singles Activities: A case study of the Memphis Tennessee LDS Singles Branch
I interviewed a Young Single Adult in the Memphis, Tennessee area, John Moore, and got a lot of information on activities that group has held over the past few years. Planning / Advertising One of the keys for holding successful singles’ activities, according to Brother Moore, is holding events that single males enjoy. It seems that many women show up…
Find Someone Who
This is a good activity to do with students at the beginning of a course. It provides a quick way for students to connect with one another and helps them overcome initial shyness in a new situation. Introduction Tell students that they are going to play a game to find out things they might not know about each other. They…
Simple Service / Charity activity
Give each person in your class a quarter. Tell them that they can use the quarter for themselves or place it in the jar where the jar will go to a good cause (food shelter, ophanage, etc.). Then leave the jar in the class for a week, and challenge others to help others and to give to the needy. (This…