Going into the Summer
Howdy! I’m now two days into having sleep, not having to rise during the middle of the night to prep for seminary. It is a refreshing feeling. :0) Teaching seminary is such a blessing and privilege, yet it does require great effort, which somedays can be akin to climbing a mountain side. So it is a blessing to be able…
Seminary and Scripture Mastery Teaching – A Year in Review
Now that my seminary school year is finished (yours still may be going), it is time to review several items so that I can analyze my teaching and any areas of focus needing help for next year. Here is a link to the Teaching Emphasis that CES needs us to use as we work with our students. To be able…
The Final Day of Seminary
Well, today was our final day of seminary. I actually was up all night, trying to get everything just so. Not recommended! [weak grin] But I was excited, because I’d prepared a “scrapbook movie” DVD to showcase the spiritual growth the students had made this year. The DVD contained a ten minute “scrapbook” movie for the seminary kids to distribute…