The First Week: Study Helps Jeopardy – Mentors/Minions
During the first week of Seminary, it’s suggested that you teach a lesson on the study helps in the scriptures to help students get more out of their gospel study. New Testament Study Helps Jeopardy is an online Jeopardy-style game I made for my class to use for this purpose this year. It’s slanted toward New Testament. Some of these…
Let Your Light Shine – pumpkin carving activity
Opening song:Jesus wants me for a Sundbeam (p. 60 children’s songbook)Opening prayer:Practice song:I am like a star (p.163 childrens songbook)Spiritual thought:Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin. Our Heavenly Father lifts us up, takes us in, washes all the dirt off. He opens us up, touches us deep inside and scoops all the yucky stuff out (like the seeds…
Shoot for the Stars Camp Theme
‘Daughter of Light’ – possible scriptures are Matthew 5:16 some others are D&C 103:9. STARS – Stand Together As Righteous Sisters – You can do a million things with this one. Each ward was asked to come up with a name pertaining to stars. Here are the names … The Milky Way, Aurora Borealis, Depledias, The North Star, Pegasus, Mars…