Ether 6 & 7 – Convoluted Pathways
[example of student work – to see up close, click on picture] Today we researched the beginning of the convoluted pathways of the Jaredites, as recorded in Ether 6 & 7. I created an Inspiration document which I called “Convoluted Pathways.” At the beginning of class, after our devotional, etc., we quickly rehearsed what we’d studied thus far in Ether:…
Ether 4, 5, & 6 – Student Presentations
Today the students finished with their presentations they had worked on yesterday. It was really neat to see what they had come up with and how they summarized what they had learned from their scripture research yesterday. Then we moved on to a scripture mastery game. I took a game that had been given to me from my supervisor and…
Ether 4 & 5 – Building Spirituality
[example of student work – click on picture to see a close-up] Today as a class we studied Ether 4 & 5. But there was so much meat in this part of the scriptures that I decided to hold what I call “Spiritual Midterms.” We’ve done this off and one throughout the year, but it is where I give them…