Outdoor Cooking Contest
Outdoor Cooking Contest Aaronic Priesthood PurposesBuild quorum brotherhood by arranging to compete with another quorum. Develop talents by learning and demonstrating outdoor cooking skills. Young Women Areas of FocusRecreation and the world of nature-by learning camping skills. Homemaking arts-by practicing outdoor cooking. Personal and social refinement-by developing proper relationships with others. People who can helpAdvisersParentsYouthCamping specialists Things neededJudgesCooking equipmentFoodWood and…
Using Camp Tools
Using an Ax Priesthood PurposeDevelop talents by learning and demonstrating camping skills. Young Women Area of FocusRecreation and the world of nature-by developing life-preservation skills. People who can helpAdvisers Parents Lumberjacks Camping specialists Things neededAn ax for each youth Sharpening stone Handbook on ax use and safety Wood for chopping Chopping blocks or logs How to do it1. Teach the…