• Activities,  Singles Activities,  Youth Activities

    Giant Soccer

    For a sports activity for our young women, we set up two goals using folding chairs on either end of the flat yard in front of the church. The chairs were about 10 feet apart. Using a large exercise ball (we used 65cm), we played soccer. We played two-touch soccer, where you can only tough the ball two times before…

  • Activities,  Relief Society Activities,  Youth Activities

    Pinewood Derby

    Mutual ActivityWe have a very small ward with only about 2-4 YW attending mutual, regularly. To encourage attendance, and a fun activity, we thought about inviting the RS sisters. I thought it would also help the YW have a better relationship with the RS sisters, easing the transition when it’s time. We held a Pinewood Derby. The RS sisters thought…

  • Activities,  Singles Activities,  Ward Activities,  Youth Activities

    Glow in the dark volleyball

    We purchased glow in the dark bracelets and necklaces for this activity. The youth wore the bracelets to distinguish one person from another. Across the top of the volleyball net we continuously hooked the necklaces together. It took about 20 to go across one net. We purchased the bracelets from illuminationz.com. They were very reasonable. Since we only needed 20…

  • Activities,  Youth Activities

    Cinderella’s Ball

    Your YW (Our Mia Maid class did this – 16 girls)have been invited to attend Cinderella’s Ball. Alas, there are no modest dresses to be found so the girls must design their own out of newspaper. The girls are divided into teams of three – one model and two designers and given a roll of tape,a pair of sissors and…

  • Activities,  Youth Activities

    Career Education

    Choose a set of careers that are representative of many levels of education and backgrounds. For example: vocations such as cosmetology, floral design, landscaping, emergency medical technician, dentistry, nursing, engineering, computer programming, music, and children’s day care etc. Contact all adults who are willing to participate at least a month in advance. Remind them to dress in the clothing they…